November 11, 2014
Minutes for Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
There were 34 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:31 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction
- Motion
- to approve minutes of the October meeting
- motion made by Hugo Palle, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Carried
- Introduction:
- Michael Bush: A quick overview of people’s opinions of the Michael Bush presentation. A big thank you went out to Tim Monaghan for doing such an amazing job of organizing the event. Thank you again Tim! All in all it was a huge success. (Costs of the event analysed below in the Treasurers Report)
- Candle making: This will be held on November 29, 2014 at the Terra Nova Richmond Sharing Farm (same place as last year) It will be from 1-3pm. This is a pot luck, so please bring something to share. The cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Any wax candles you make will be weighed and charged $10 per pound. We will provide wicks.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funds in account at the end of month…$5977.26
- $2000 of that has been put into a GIC
- Michael Bush Presentation brought in $4815.00 total. The cost to the club was $4461.00. The total profit from the day was $354.00
- Proposed Motion
- Amanda Goodman Lee proposed that we make a separate education fund with the earnings from the Michael Bush presentation. This money will be used only for educational purposes and help with future classes.
- Motion made by Barb Rokeby, seconded by Jeff Lee
- 26 people in favor
- Motion Passed
- Club Items
- Janne Potter asked what Items the club owns and how the members can go about using them.
- We (the executive) will take an inventory of the items we have for use and post on the RBA website what items we have and who to contact to borrow. Miriam Soet has all items at her place. So if there is something you know we have that you would like to use please contact her.
- Nutrition Labels
- We have a spool of nutrition labels available for purchase at the meetings, they are $0.02 each.
- Membership Renewal
- Member dues will come due in January, but Miriam would LOVE it if people paid prior to the January meeting if you can. You can pay at the Candle making on Nov 29 too.
- Chilliwack Beekeeping Expo
- Jeff Lee brought to everyones attention, the Chilliwack Beekeeping Expo on November 23, 2014 at the Yarrow Community Hall located at 4670 Community St., Yarrow, B.C. Scott Gordon, Jerry Awram and Lindsay Dault will be the guest speakers.
- Proposed Motion
- Jeff Lee put forward a motion to put together a list of the items the club has for its members to use. This will clarify to everyone what can be used.
- Motion made by Ian Rokeby, seconded by Hilary Prince.
- Motion Passed
- Raffle and Coffee Break
- Presentation: Making Products from your hive – Stations
- Miriam Soet displayed and explained how to use a wax melter
- Jeff Lee showed propolis extraction
- Stephanie Imhoff taught how to make lip balm
- Lindsay Dault showed how to make face moisturizer and basic salves.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:03pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: Saturday November 29 at the Terra Nova Sharing farm for Candle Making.