October 11, 2016
Minutes for: October 11, 2016
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 53 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:34 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Tim Monaghan
- Quick discussion and reminder of the BCHPA AGM this coming weekend
- 2 “Newbees” were introduced
- Speakers tonight will be Julia Common and Axel Krause
- Minutes
- to approve minutes of the September meeting and that no corrections are to be made.
- No corrections
- Carried
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funds in account at the end of month…$4512.38
- There is still a $4000 loan to the BCHPA for AGM arrangements.
- Total in the account including the loan is $8512.38
- Membership
- To date we have the largest membership ever, at 154 members!!!
- Website
- The RBA website is coming along very well, it’s edited and once the AGM is over we will be able to focus more attention on getting it up and going.
- Tonight there is a logo vote. There are a number of logos on the wall around the room, please put the tab you received when you came in on the logo that you like the most.
- Logo: One logo was overwhelming selected by club members (circle logo with flower/bee image design). The team will pursue costs for purchase of image and creation of final logo design
- Conference and Worshop Update
- Jeff Lee gave a brief rundown of the speakers at the AGM on both the Saturday and the Sunday. He also mentioned the huge benefit this AGM has to the RBA, in that we can raise up to $10,000 for the club.
- Fiona spoke on the volunteer schedule and the positions held. She also reviewed the Bee hive demo and the different hives that will be on display during the AGM.
- A big thank you to Christina FAMINOFF for helping to organize the brochure for the bchpa, all her help is very much appreciated
- Coffee Break & Raffle
- Presentation: Julia Common and Axel Krause
- Presentation on climate change and the effect it has on honeybee management.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:31pm Carried
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 8, 2016