Minutes for April 11, 2017
Minutes for Date: Apr 11th, 2017
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 70 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:39 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Fiona Gold
- There were 4 “New bees” attending.
- Leslie Williams was welcomed back from her stay in Hawaii.
- Members were encouraged to buy raffle tickets.
- Approval of March minutes
- Motion to approve March 14 2017 minutes by Jeff Lee. Seconded by Steve Bailey.
- Carried.
- Treasurer’s Report
- We currently have $13,426.14 in the account.
- Kudos:
Thanks to Allen Garr for his article on sugar – under the new Bee political column.
Thanks to Shaidah, Barbara, and Christina for coordinating to sew the new patch on the BCHPA quilt.
Thanks also to Stephanie who wrote a piece on swarms to update content for the new website.
Website update
Ian Caven gave an update on the website. Information from the old website has been transferred to the new site, but it’s not live yet. More updates are needed, and work is ongoing.
Iotron update
In the February run the RBA put through 182 honey supers, 153 frames/covers/bases, 8 nucs, and 7 super equivalents.
In the March run we put through 209 supers, 203 frames/covers/bases, 1 nuc, 9 super equivalents.
Interest was gauged from the RBA for another iotron run. Darlene will put out an email to see how much interest there is from other clubs.
It’s recommended to club members to put honey comb frames into a rubbermaid bin to avoid crushing.
Liberians visit update
Eric Crosby gave an update on the visiting Liberian beekeepers. The visit will be pushed back to the first or second week of May because of the weather here in Vancouver.
If there are any members who have a larger number of colonies, and is interested in having the Liberians come to do some queen rearing, please contact Eric Crosby.
Kirk Webster update
Eric Crosby gave an update of Kirk Webster’s visit. His workshop is scheduled for October 15th and 16th. The topic will be Making the Varroa mite your ally. There will be two talks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The second day will be a more intimate workshop on making nucs, and may be split into two groups depending on how many people want to attend.
How does the swarm call list work?
- Eric Crosby will be sending out an email to RBA members. Those interested in being on the swarm list can reply to Eric’s email with the information he requests.
- RBA discussed etiquette surrounding swarms, possession, and entering private property. It’s recommended to members to ask the caller to take a photo and text it for confirmation that it is a honey bee swarm.
Seed exchange – how does it work?
Winston discussed how the seed exchange will work. He was available at the back of the meeting with envelopes and labels. Members are welcome to continue to bring in unneeded seeds to trade/donate to other members.
Bees and Beers
This month’s meeting will be held on Tuesday April 25, 2017 at the Firefighters Public House in Burnaby.
Stephanie Imhoff informed the RBA that there will also be a Bees and Beers held on the North shore on April 20th from 6-8:30pm at Jack’s on Lonsdale.
Bee Loss Debrief
RBA broke down into small groups to discuss bee losses.
Coffee & Raffle
Presenter: Introduced by Leslie Williams – Lori Weidenhammer – Victory Gardens for Bees
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:35pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: May 9, 2017