November 13, 2013
Minutes for Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
There were 66 people present.
The president, Brian Campbell, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction
- Brian welcomed the participants and gave opening remarks.
- Five “Newbees” were introduced
- Brian also congratulated Amanda Goodman Lee and Miriam Soet for taking first and second place in the Honey contest at the annual BC Honey Producer’s Conference in Kelowna. RBA members have made a good showing in this contest over the last few years.
- Motion
- to approve minutes of the October meeting
- motion made by Barbara Rokeby, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Carried
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funds in account at the end of October $5568.98
- membership for 2013 was 107
- membership already paid for 2014 is 37
- Candle Making workshop
- VP Lianne Shyry reminded everyone about the upcoming Candle Making Workshop and Potluck
- It will be held from 1 till 3 on November 30 at the Red Barn at Terra Nova park in Richmond.
- A sign up sheet was circulated.
- The cost will be $5 for members and $10.00 for non RBA members to cover the costs for using the facility.
- There will also be a wax charge of $10.00 per pound. All candles will be weighed on the way out to determine this.
- AGM January
- Hugh Mawby announced that Brian Campbell will be stepping down as President in January
- Annual elections will take place and a number of the executive positions will be open for anyone interested in becoming involved.
- Hugh Mawby and Kelly McNeil will head up the nominating committee. If you are interested in nominating someone or running for a position please contact either Kelly (@ 604-734-1769) or Hugh (@ 604-278-8724)
- Hugh Mawby will chair the elections in January according to Robert’s Rules.
- Logo
- VP Lianne Shyry presented the idea of having a club ‘LOGO’
- a logo will be voted or decided on at the January AGM
- All submissions should be made to Lianne by January 1 to be considered
- contact Lianne Shyry @
- Potluck
- members voted to continue the annual December Potluck tradition
- December 10 is the date of the annual potluck.
- There will be no formal meeting on that night. Members are encouraged to bring a plate of appetizers and come for a chance to spend the evening socializing and eating!!
- BCHPA Conference (Kelowna, October 25-27)
- Jeff Lee gave us a short rundown and overview of the 3 day conference
- it opened with a wine & cheese Friday evening, followed by a Saturday’s business day and workshops on Sunday. There was representation from throughout the province with over 250 people in attendance.
- the BCHPA executive changed both VP and secretary
- a number of motions were brought forward during the business day including major discussion around the importing of US packaged bees to BC. It was determined that the risks have not significantly altered so the status quo of stopping imports is continuing.
- there was a wide range of very interesting workshops with local presenters as well as presenters from as far as Michigan, Washington and Alberta
- Presentation: Dr. Leonard Foster
- Dr. Foster is an Associate Professor in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular biology at UBC. He gave us an overview of his ongoing research project which looks at how the bees and pathogens interact. The main aim is to reverse the trend for colony losses by developing new IPM tools that can be used to guide selective breeding programs. He gave us and overview of the latest data of his 5+ years of research.
- Motion: to Adjourn 9:15…… Carried
- Next Meeting: Christmas Potluck Tuesday December 12, 2013