The Association arranges several events throughout the year, both social gatherings and workshops, for members and their families.  Event details are circulated through the association’s monthly newsletter and are listed on the Events calendar.  Here are some sample events from previous years.

Christmas Party – December

Our bees are tucked away safely for the winter and it’s time to celebrate!  All members are invited to gather for a little winter celebration over shared food and good cheer.  Don’t forget to bring along a sample of your honey!

Annual General Meeting – January

The AGM will cover progress of the association; reports on the budget, membership, and other club activities; a vote to appoint a new executive committee; votes on bylaws and association action; and provide an open floor to members suggestions and discussion.

Field Day and Potluck – June

The field day and potluck is typically hosted by a member or fellow association such as the Richmond Sharing Farm at Terra Nova.  The event provides an opportunity for a hive inspection and demonstrations.  Members socialize and share experience over a potluck lunch.

Workshops- throughout the year

On occasion the executive committee or association members will arrange workshops on a variety of beginner to advanced beekeeping techniques.