May 8, 2014
Minutes for Tuesday, May 8, 2014
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
There were 69 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:31 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction-Amanda Goodman Lee
- 1 “Newbees” were introduced
- There is a woman in Richmond that is still interested in having bees in her back yard if anyone needs a home for their hive, please contact Amanda if you are interested
- Vice Presidents Report: Lianne Shyry
- The day of the honeybee is May 31 and there are a few events around town. If anyone would like to assist Gus Axen and Allen Garr at the Trout Lake Market they would love the help. Please contact Lianne to get more info.
- Field Day is on June 14 from 11-2 at the Sharing Farm-Jaquie Bunse will be there doing varroa testing, and showing off frames with disease (no need to worry about spreading disease as it’s all been irradiated!) We will have the RBA logo contest that day and would still love to see some submissions. All those interested email Lianne.
- A special thank you went out to David McDonald for all he’s done to help and mentor beekeepers throughout the years. He’s moving to Saltspring Island, and his presence will be missed greatly.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funds in account at the end of month…$7093.28
- Miriam made a minor mistake and forgot the raffle tickets, so there was no raffle at this month’s meeting.
- Michael Bush Presentation update
- Tim Monaghan has been speaking with Michael Bush to arrange a time that he can come up and do a presentation with us. We have a date set for October 18th, 2014, and our approximate cost for having him will be $2000.00. We will charge tickets to see him to cover the cost.
- Motion
- To agree that we would like to have Michael Bush come to Vancouver to speak to our club
- Motion made by Tim Monaghan
- Motion Passed
- Motion
- To agree the date of Michael Bushes’ attendance be on Oct. 18, 2014 and that the club will cover the costs and the rental of a location. This will all be reimbursed through ticket sales.
- Motion made by Amanda Goodman Lee, Seconded by Steve Bailey.
- Carried
- Motion
- to approve minutes of the April meeting
- motion made by Amanda Goodman Lee, seconded by Ian Ropey
- Carried
- Iotron Refund
- Irotron made an equivalent ‘super’ for flat equipment being irradiated. Some members will be getting refund cheques for overpayment.
- Coffee Break & Raffle
- Presentation: Dr. Lucy Lee
- Spoke on Nosemas in Honey bees, fish and humans.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:14
- Next Meeting: Field Day at Terra Nova park on June 14, 2014