Minutes for May 8, 2018
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 54 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:36pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Shaidah Karim
- There were 6 “New bees” attending.
- Approval of April minutes
- Motion to approve April 2018 minutes by Steve Bayley. Seconded by Blair Trenholme.
- Carried.
- Raffle
- Steve Bayley and Mike Munroe from Delta Honey Farms generously donated a two box deep langstroth hive setup. There was a separate draw for this prize at the end.
- Other prizes included a bee brush, j-hook tool, drone frame, queen excluder, and 10 deep brood frames, a begonia, and some nut brown ale, a give certificate from BC Bee supply (regifted from a member), a garlic baker, and a box of girl guide cookies.
- Financials
- The RBA currently has $9559.68 in the account.
- $216 was collected in the raffle at last months meeting, $160 from memberships, and $8.95 from coffee.
- Library
- Leslie introduced the new library of journals and books. Members are welcome to borrow items.
- Seed Bank
- Winston introduced the seed bank. The seed bank is an exchange where members can donate, swap, and take seeds.
- Garden City Farmers Market
- Richmond will be hosting a farmers market on August 11th, and has asked the RBA to participate at a 10’x10’ booth. Honey can be sold if the member is licensed in Richmond, and has passed Vancouver Coastal Health food inspection. Anyone interested in volunteering to represent the RBA at the farmers market please contact someone on the executive.
- Field Day
- The RBA will be hosting the field day this year. Proposed dates are around the end of July or beginning of August. The event will require volunteers from the club. Anyone able to volunteer to make this event happen, or who has suggestions for location, please contact someone on the executive.
- Bees & Beers
- The next Bees & Beers will be held on May 22/18, 6:30pm at Hop & Vine in Burnaby. Come out to socialize with your fellow beekeepers.
- Candle making workshop
- Winston explained that last year’s event saw few participants, and cost a significant amount of money. A reasonable number of members expressed interest in holding the event again. Dates will be discussed.
- The idea of adding chapstick, or other products was suggested.
- Coffee & Raffle
- Presenter: Ali McAfee on Hygienic bees.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:05pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: September 11th, 2018