September 10, 2013
Minutes for Tuesday, September 10/2013
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
There were 75 people present.
The president, Brian Campbell, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction
- Brian welcomed the participants and gave opening remarks.
- At this time each of the visitors “newbees” introduced themselves and shared their connections +/or reasons for attending the RBA.
- Motion
- to approve minutes of the May meeting
- motion made by Kelly McNeil, seconded by Hugh Mawby
- Carried
- Introduction of Executive
- Brian introduced all present members of the executive
Vice President – Lianne Shyry
Treasurer – Amanda Goodman Lee
Secretary – Miriam Soet
Newsletter Editor – Stephanie Imhoff - VP, Lianne also welcomed us and encouraged all members to get to know each other and share the vast cumulative knowledge we have as a group
- Brian introduced all present members of the executive
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funds in account at the end of August: $5366.00
- Amanda also gave a breakdown of monies from spring workshops
- all workshops ran but 2 were below minimum registration numbers
- Total Revenue…….$2070.00
- Expenses…………….instructors ($600 Eric/ $600 others)…..$1200.00
- Net revenue to club……………$870.00
- Motion
- All workshops were held at Richmond Sharing Farm
- Amanda brought forward a motion to “donate $400.00 from workshop revenues to the Richmond sharing farm In lieu of space rental”
- Seconded by Stephanie Imhoff
- Carried
- Net revenue from workshops becomes $870.00-400 = $470.00
- Membership Dues
- Dues paid at this time will be applied to remainder of 2013 and through until December 2014.
- Family membership has been discontinued, each family member must pay individual membership.
- Membership fees to increase from $20.00 to $25.00 in January (2014 fees paid before January will still be charged 2013 rate)
- Thank You and Acknowledgements
- Brian expressed thanks to Lee Woods, our swarm coordinator, for a very successful summer season.
- Thanks were also made to Ray Wehom for fixing the club Honey Extractor.
- The honey extractor can be obtained from Ray at 778-233-9535
- Summer Conference
- A number of our members were attendees at the “Treatment Free Conference” in Portland, Oregon last summer.
- attendees were introduced so others could engage them with questions during the break.
- Wayne Neidig, president of the BCHPA, gave a short overview of the new book ‘History of Honey in BC’. It is for sale for $29.95.
- Wayne also gave an overview and reminder about the 2013 BCHPA Conference and AGM.
- This year’s theme is “Hive and Thrive”.
- It will be held in Kelowna from Oct 24-26.
- There will be 11 speakers , a wine & cheese and banquet, all were encouraged to attend, more info available on line @
- Raffle
- Draws were made with members winning a strainer, honey, mite board, lip balms etc.
- (Post Break) Presentation
- Our post break presentation was a panel of 3 very experienced beekeepers giving their advice and tips for Fall Management.
- The panel was made up of Tim Monohan, Scott Gordon and Gerry McKee.
- Their presentations were followed by discussion and questions from the members.
- Motion to Adjourn 9:15……Carried
- Next Meeting : Tuesday October 8, 2013