Minutes for September 12, 2017
The Richmond Beekeepers Association
Minutes for Date: Sept 12th, 2017
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 50 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:36 pm.
- Welcome back – opening remarks and introduction by Fiona Gold
- There were 3 “Newbees” in attendance.
- May 2017 minutes
- Motion to approve May 2017 minutes made by Ian Rokeby, seconded by Ihor Pona.
- Carried
- Treasurer’s Report
- RBA account currently at $12,597.42
- Upcoming Fall Events:
- Sept 12th – RBA meeting– Julia Common and Brian Campbell – Bee Diseases and Treatments
- October 10th – RBA meeting – Winterizing the Hives
- October 14 & 15th – Kirk Webster – Main speaking event will be held on Saturday Oct 14th, with two 1.5 hr sessions to be held on Sunday Oct 15th. Tickets sold separately and can be purchased at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/kirk-webster-in-vancouver-tickets-37229601741
- October 26-28th – BCHPA Meeting in Kelowna – speakers
- November 14th – RBA meeting – speaker TBA – some possibilities include:
- Rusty Burlew – Honeybee Suite
- Sue Coby
- Amanda van Haga – Nosema research
- Paul van Westendorp – Provincial apiculturist – state of bees in BC
- November 18th – Candle Making – venue TBA. Leslie Williams is checking into hosting at the Sharing Farm, Winston Wong is looking into getting wax. There will be a nominal fee to pay for wax. We need volunteers for this event. Anyone interested please contact Fiona Gold.
- December 12th – Christmas social
- BCHPA Coffee break
- Shaidah Karim suggested the RBA sponsor a $250 coffee break at October BCHPA conference. Seconded by Hugh Mawby.
- RBA voted to sponsor the coffee break.
- Bee Equipment:
- Broken Extractor update – Winston Wong is looking into repairing it. Miriam will update the RBA when it’s up and running again.
- Executive also discussed getting a heated decapping knife and a refractometer to measure the humidity in honey. They would be loaned out with the extractor.
- A Randy Oliver field microscope was also suggested.
- Fiona Gold suggested we revisit these purchases in October with pricing.
- Website update
- Ian Cavén reviewed the new website with the membership, and asked for members to look through the website at home, and send feedback.
- The most recent newsletter was sent using the new system.
- Nutritional stickers for honey
- Nutritional stickers are offered to the RBA for $.02 each. Anyone interested in purchasing stickers can contact Ian Caven.
- Strathcona Honey House
- The Strathcona beekeepers club honey house has burned down. There was a motion by Fiona Gold to give them $100 towards rebuilding.
- RBA voted to donate the $100.
- Linden trees.
- Tony Puddicombe, a certified arborist, gave a talk about the City of Vancouver proposal to remove a large number of Linden trees. A member suggested the RBA recommend a type of tree to replace them with, that would be a good nectar source for bees.
- Bees and Beers
- The September Bees & Beers meeting will be held at 6:30pm on September 26th at the Big Rock Urban Brewery and Eatery @ 310 West 4th ave.
- Bob Fisher
- Alan Garr discussed long standing member Bob Fisher. Bib is ill, and Alan suggested we send some flowers and a note.
- Speakers: Bee Diseases and Treatments, Julia Common and Brian Campbell.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:30pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 10th 2017