Minutes for October 10, 2017
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 53 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:40 pm.
Welcome – opening remarks and introduction by Fiona Gold
There was 1 “newbee” in attendance.
September minutes
Motion to approve minutes from Sept. 12th, 2017 meeting made by Ian Rokeby, Seconded by Hugo Palle
Treasurer’s Report
There is $11,564.85 in the RBA account after the following expenses.
Flowers and card were sent to Bob Fisher
The RBA sponsored a BCHPA coffee break ($250)
Cottonwood Gardens ($100)
A donation was made to the Richmond Nature House ($500)
Payment was made to Anna for website design
RBA Equipment:
Extractor repair – A repair kit has been ordered and will arrive in roughly a month.
2nd Extractor – hand crank
A suggestion was made to purchase a 2 or 3 frame hand crank extractor to use while we’re waiting for the motorized extractor to be fixed. Motion to go ahead with purchase made by Len Soet, Seconded by Julia Common.
Motion carried
Steve Bailey suggested buying an extractor with a belt drive.
Refractometer and decapping knife
A previous suggestion to purchase a refractometer and heated decapping knife to go with the extractor was discussed by the executive who decided against it.
A suggestion was made to purchase a microscope package $825. Motion to go ahead with purchase made by Judy Rochette, seconded by Leanne Taylor.
Motion Carried
2018 Executive
AGM in January – Miriam, Fiona, and Ian are planning to step down from the executive. Anyone interested please contact someone from the executive.
Kirk Webster
Eric advised that Kirk’s workshop will not just be about keeping bees treatment free, but will also cover other useful information.
Topic will be – Making Varroa your ally, queen rearing and Tom Seely’s research and how it’s affecting his beekeeping.
Second day will be held at the Wells Can yard in Burnaby. The Sunday topic will be how he makes his nucs.
Someone has an extra ticket, and is looking for a buyer. If anyone needs a ticket still please contact someone on the executive.
Candlemaking event
Candlemaking event will be held at the Sharing Farm in Terra Nova on November 18th from 1 – 4pm. Thanks to those who have volunteered to make this event happen.
November speaker
will be a UBC PhD student Alison McFee who is working on Leonard Foster’s breeding project and the proteome of the varroa mite. She will also talk about the latest hygienic behaviour findings.
The website is complete except for the expected ongoing updates. If anyone sees anything that needs to be changed please contact the web developers at webmaster@richmondbeekeepers.ca
Bees and Beers
The next bees and beers meeting will be October 24th at Legends Pub in Richmond 6:30 – 9:00pm.
Christmas Social
The Christmas social event will be held at a different venue this year. Executive is considering several venues. If anyone has any suggestions for venue please contact someone on the executive. Event will be held on December 12th.
Coffee Break & Raffle
Presentation – Winterizing the Hive – Eric Crosby, Laura Zazzara – Winterizing the top bar hive. Allen Garr – Winterizing the Langstroth hive with a bee tunnel. Steve Bailey – Winterizing the Langstroth hive with sugar blocks.
Motion to Adjourn: 9:45pm… Carried
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 14th 2017