Minutes for April 9, 2019
The Richmond Beekeepers Association
Minutes April 9, 2019
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 65 people in attendance.
- Welcome and introduction of Newbees
- There were 4 “Newbees” in attendance.
- A guest from the Langley Bee Club was in attendance. Buzz announced he is starting up a coalition to assist beekeepers on beekeeping practices, and potentially acquiring materials on group purchases.
- Treasurer’s report
- $8,972 in bank. $90 petty cash. $320 taken in memberships.
- Secretary
- Michelle resigned due to increasing personal commitments. Alan thanked Michelle for her contribution.
- Alan asked for nominations for Secretary. Aaron nominated Gregg Ashby, seconded by Jean, carried.
- Survey results 2018/19 over-winter
- Alan presented the survey results. Losses of 57% were higher than last winters loss rate of 27%.
- March 2019 minutes
- Motion to approve the March 2019 minutes. Moved by Steve, seconded, carried.
- Seed bank
- Aaron encouraged members to contribute and use seeds from the club’s seed bank. He also has information on bee friendly plants in a binder and directed members to the BC Ministry website https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/animals-and-crops/animal-production/bees/food-for-bees/bee-forage-plants
and SFU’s website https://www.sfu.ca/people/eelle/bee_info.html
- Low stress beekeeping – Julia Common
- Julia Common presented with slides and videos on how to reduce the stress on your colonies.
- On behalf of the RBA, Jonathan presented Julia with an honorarium for the insightful presentation.
- Swarm list
- Laura explained how the swarm list works and asked again for interested members to sign up. Members are required to complete a waiver to protect the club, before participation in the swarm catching process.
- Meeting adjourned: 9:20 pm
Next Meetings:
Bees and Beers, April 24th, location in Richmond TBD
Regular meeting May 14th
PS: Please assist in cleaning up after the meeting.
Contributions to the coffee table either by baked goods or donations are very much appreciated!