March 10, 2015
Minutes for Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
There were 59 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:36 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction
- Introduction of the New Executive
- Motion to approve minutes from last meeting. Made by Hugh Mawby, seconded by Hugo Palle.
- Carried
- We had 6 new bees in attendance!
- A note to members regarding housekeeping and bringing their own cup for coffee, we reduce waste by bringing reusable mugs. Donations for coffee are also appreciated.
- Collaboration with other bee clubs
- Amanda and Lindsay got together with the presidents and secretary’s of the Langley and the Surrey club to discuss the possibility of a collaboration. We’ve decided that we would try to work on getting in a speaker in the coming years and splitting the cost. And to also do a field day with the other clubs, if everyone agrees to this.
- We would like to get Tom Seeley as a guest speaker to our club, all those in favor of the potential of this were asked to raise their hands. Over half of membership is on board. Motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Proposed budget for 2015-our revenues and expenses balance one another out. Amanda provided a detailed report of exactly what those expenses were.
- Miriam moved to accept expenses/income report
- Motion made by Hugh Mawby and seconded by Steve Bailey
- The motion to pass the budget was put on the table-Motion passed
- Funds in account at the end of month…$7807.27
- Motion to approve treasurers report by Hugh Mawby, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Survey Monkey
- Amanda discussed the survey that has been made, once it has been approved by executive it will be sent out to all good standing members.
- Extractor
- Tim Monaghan touched on the topic of the ‘new extractor’ or the possibility of fixing the old one. We have created a committee that will head this project up
- Motion made by Tim Monaghan, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Eric Crosby and Miram Soet will be the members in charge of this committee. They will look at the possibility of fixing the old extractor vs. Buying a new one brand new (and motorized!) and report back to the club.
- Show of hands to pass the motion
- Motion passed
- BCHPA Semi Annual Conference
- Jeff Lee discussed all the happenings of the BCHPA meeting being held in Kamloops on March 12-14, 2015.
- Iotron: Darlene gave us some info on the next upcoming Iotron run (drop off from March 23-27) all the info is on the RBA website. There is a slight price change, lowered to approximately $5.00.
- Packaged Bees: Bob Fisher of West Coast Bee Supplies and Lindsay Dault of Urban Bee Supplies both have packaged bees in.
- Pollen Patties: The club was selling pollen patties at cost for those interested. $2.00 each
- Coffee Break & Raffle
- Presentation: Wayne Neidg
- Wayne gave a detailed and humorous talk about swarms and how to tell when they’re happening and what do to about them.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:07… Carried
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 14,2015