January 12, 2016
Minutes for Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 PM
Annual General Meeting
There were 67 people present.
Meeting called to order at 7:51 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Amanda Goodman Lee
- Motion
- to approve minutes of the November meeting
- motion made by Hugo Palle, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Carried
- Item:
- Honey bee center is offering Apitherapy courses with Steffan Stanguchi, they will run over the next month.
- The BC Agriculture show will be on Jan 28-30, where the BCHPA will be unveiling their new pollination brochure. This will help to increase the interaction with farmers and give the BCHPA the change to provide education.
- Motion:
- To approve and adopt minutes from the last AGM in January 2015.
- Motion made by Ian Ropey, seconded by Jeff Lee
- Present’s Report
- Amanda Goodman Lee, our current President, gave a report and review as her time as president over the past 2 years. She thanked all the volunteers in the executive, and from the membership that help make this Association run. Amanda is stepping down, her time and efforts as president over the past 2 years has been greatly appreciated by all members. Thank you Amanda!
- Treasurer’s Report: Miriam Soet
- Funds in account at the end of month…$7239.12
- Here is a breakdown of our Statement for 2015: Total Income: $3066.70, Expenses: $2946.80, Profit: $119.96, Assets:$7239.12, Members Equity: $7239.12
- Motion:
- To move treasurers report
- Motion made by Steve Bailey, seconded by Gail Davidson
- Amendment to Report due to a date error
- Passed
- Election
- There were no nominations emailed to Hugh Mawby prior to the meeting, all positions are available during the election.
- Position of President: Jeff Lee nominated Tim Monaghan
- Second asking for nominations
- Third asking for nominations
- Our new President is Tim Monaghan
- Position of Vice President: Amanda Goodman Lee nominates Fiona Gold
- Second asking for nominations
- Third asking for nominations
- Position of Secretary: Amanda Goodman Lee nominated Lindsay Dault
- Second asking for nominations
- Third asking for nominations
- Our Secretary will remain as Lindsay Dault
- Position of Treasurer: Rose Driedger nominated Miriam Soet
- Second asking for nominations
- Third asking for nominations
- Our Treasurer will remain as Miriam Soet
- Position of Director: Stepanie Imhoff
- Position for 2 members at large: Julia Common and Eric Crosby
- Appointed Position as Coffee prep: Position is shared between Rose Driedger and Barbara Roeke
- Swarm List co-ordinator: Eric Crosby will continue to run the swarm list, with Hugh Mawby assisting when needed.
- Hugh Mawby brought in his brand new Flow hive for everyone to look at.
- Coffee Break at 8:34 followed by the Raffle
- Presentation: Eric Stromgren from Kwantlen Polytechnic College introduced us to the new Commercial beekeeping course being offered at the college.
- Motion made to adjourn meeting at 9:42 p.m…. Carried
- Next Meeting: Tuesday February 9, 2016