May 10, 2016
Minutes for: May 10, 2016
Meeting Start time: 7:34pm
Total # of people in Attendance: 51 New Bees: 3
Opening Remarks by Tim Monaghan:
- Tonight we will start our mentor night, the 30 minute coffee break will have 2 members answering questions and fielding discussions about what ever you’d like to discuss. Tonight’s mentors will be Steve Bailey and Jeff Lee.
- Our membership has reached its highest number of paid members in the clubs history at 135.
- Due to the large number of members the parking lot fills up very quickly, there is extra parking at the back of the building which we encourage members to use if possible.
- Iotron: Darlene mentioned a concern with the iotron runs, in that you can only take equipment there when the club organizes a run, otherwise you will have to pay the minimum run fee of $425.
Motion: To approve minutes from the last meeting, by a show of hands.
Minutes approved.
- Alan Garr spoke about the day of the Honey Bee, May 29th. There will be a table at the Trout Lake market, anybody interested in volunteering for an hour or the whole event is encouraged to come out and educate the public about the benefits of bees and all pollinators.
Also anyone interested in participating in any Day of the Honeybee event is encouraged to do so!!
- Fiona Gold is our step in Treasurers while Miriam is biking across our vast country. The total balance in our account is $9087.36. We made a $500 donation to the Nature House for using the facility and purchased speakers gifts and name tags valued at $139.59.
- Website: Tim reviewed a proposal and showed examples of the Ontario Bee Clubs website, which would provide members and the public with more information about the club and honey bees in general. Anna and Andrew have given us a quote to build and develop the website on wordpress for $750 and do our logo for $250.
Motion: To approve the project to redo our website
Motion made by Alan Garr and seconded by Hugh Mawby
All in favor: Approved
- This years summer field day will be held at Wagner Hills Farm on June 12, 2016. This is located at 8061 264th Street in Langley. This field day will be organized by the Langley Bee Club. More information will be distributed as it is provided to us.
- BCHPA AGM: We need volunteers to make the AGM run, this is an amazing fundraiser for the Richmond Bee Club. Please sign up at the front desk at any of our meetings or by contacting Tim Monaghan, our president. This years AGM will run from Oct 14, 15, 16.
Vote: To continue the extended coffee breaks with the mentor session
All in Favor, by a show of hands:
Approved: long coffee breaks will continue.
Tonight’s Speakers:
Lesley Williams and Brian Campbell spoke about Planting for Bees and other pollinators, giving us a great insight into what we should be planting in our gardens to help provide our bees with nectar and pollen sources all year long.
Meeting commenced at 9:04pm
Next meeting on September 13, 2016