Minutes for October 9, 2018
The Richmond Beekeepers Association
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 35 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Shaidah Karim
- There was 1 “New bee” attending.
- Approval of September minutes
- Motion to approve September 2018 minutes made by Lori Hughs. Seconded by Ihor Pona.
- Motion carried.
- This year’s BCHPA AGM will be held in Victoria on October 26-28. For details please visit bchoneyproducers.ca.
- Raffle
- Raffle prizes were read out and members were encouraged to purchase raffle tickets from Jean Stewart.
- Bees and Beers
- Jean Stewart informed the membership of the next bees and beers meeting which will be held at St. Augustine’s in Vancouver on October 23 at 6:30.
- 2019 Executive
- Shaidah Karim discussed next year’s executive. Positions available on the RBA executive for 2019 include President, Secretary, IT manager, and member at large.
- November speaker
- The membership discussed ideas for a november speaker. A member suggested we meet in small groups for discussion.
- Cups for coffee and tea
- Barbara encouraged members to bring their own cups for coffee and tea to reduce the waste from disposable cups.
- Newsletter
- Ian asked the membership if they have been receiving the newsletter. Several members indicated they were not receiving it.
- A member informed the group that there is a school in the Dunbar area interested in hosting bees on their property. Any interested members can contact someone on the executive.
- Coffee & Raffle
Presenter: Brian Campbell
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:40pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: November 13, 2018