Minutes for November 13 2018
The Richmond Beekeepers Association
Minutes for Date: November 13th, 2018
Meeting held in Kinsmen Pavilion at Richmond Nature Park, 7:30 pm
There were 42 people in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:42 pm.
- Welcome : Opening Remarks and Introduction by Shaidah Karim
- There were 2 “New bees” attending.
- Approval of May minutes
- Motion to approve October 2018 minutes made by Scott Meixner. Seconded by Ian Rokeby.
- Motion carried.
- Raffle
- Shaidah Karim introduced the raffle prizes and encouraged members to purchase raffle tickets from Jean Stewart.
- Several members discussed information taken away from the BCHPA conference.
- Membership Dues
- Members were reminded that membership dues are being collected for 2019, and directed to see Barbara Rokeby to pay dues.
- Treasurer’s Report
- There is currently $9395.73 in the RBA account.
- There is roughly $59.00 in the coffee fund.
- Newsletter
- Ian informed the membership that the newsletter is going out correctly. There is a reason it is being flagged as spam for some people, but it can’t be fixed by us. Anyone not receiving the newsletter please search your email account and mark the emails “not spam”.
- Bees and Beers
- Jean Stewart informed the membership of the next bees and beers meeting which will be held at Canadian Brewhouse and Grill in Richmond on Tuesday November 27 at 6:30pm.
- Christmas party
- The december meeting will be a Christmas party at Dogwood Brewery. Tickets will be $10 each and include a personal pizza and one drink. There are only 48 tickets available. Please bring a treat for the potluck dessert.
- Tickets will be available through eventbrite in the coming weeks.
- January meeting
- The January meeting will be the AGM on Tuesday January 8 2019. Positions available on the 2019 executive are
- President
- Secretary
- Members at large
- Webmaster/IT/newsletter
- The January speaker will be Janet Wilson and Tim Trudel on queen breeding and improvement.
- The January meeting will be the AGM on Tuesday January 8 2019. Positions available on the 2019 executive are
- Survey
- Alan Wong presented the results from the survey he sent out to the membership.
- Steve Bayley put forward a motion to purchase a paid account with Survey Monkey for a more comprehensive survey, seconded by Alan Wong
- Motion carried.
- Coffee & Raffle
- Presenter: Members separated into groups to discuss winter prep and the results of Alan’s survey.
- Motion to Adjourn: 9:45pm… Carried
- Next Meeting: December 11th, 2018